Tag Archive: Star Wars

Darth Disney?

Darth DisneyThe takeover of Star Wars by Disney has many fans fearful for the future of the franchise.  Star Wars has a strong following over many generations of fans.  Even with Jar Jar Binks, a sappy unbelievable love story sub-plot and killing off the Jedi, the franchise stands strong.

Disney has a great track record with the Marvel franchise and many other beloved characters, but sci-fi fans stand in a category by themselves.  They don’t want their story lines drifting off center.  Don’t believe me?  Star Trek Enterprise anyone?  What killed that story was the radical shift from the known Star Trek universe.  Don’t play with my backstory.

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Space travel has captured the imagination of humanity for millions of years.  Now that NASA has been stripped to oblivion, the private sector has begun its own space race.  This competition will be just as fraught with set backs as the early tests at NASA, but backed by private dollars.

Now, I know many will think in the current global economic climate all dollars should be spent on terra-firma, and further space exploration is a useless  a waste of money.  But let’s look at the larger picture.  Most of today’s medical and daily technology has come as a direct effort of experiments with space travel or trying to duplicate technology from sci-fi franchises such as Star Trek or Star Wars.

The hypospray, a needle-less delivery system for medications is a reality and now the diagnostic bed, a non-invasive tool for reading patient information is also here.  Read more on Trek Technology here and here.  All of these radical inventions and many life saving drugs and tools are spin-offs from space exploration.

Look no further than your flat-screen TV and cell phone to find even more tech from the stars.  The challenge for us mortals is to merge humanistic efforts here on Earth with our necessary exploration of the surrounding universe.  They are both worthy goals and even in Star Trek, the ending of poverty and world hunger began with the development of Warp Drive.

Live long and shoot for the stars…